Y Talk: A Family Project: Cinnamon Ornaments by Brittany Rose
With Christmas right around the corner, something that is fun and easy to do with your kids—and to make your house smell really good—is making Cinnamon Ornaments.

I found this recipe and I like it a lot because you can get as elaborate or simple as you want, and it is guaranteed to smell great.
All you need is 1 cup unsweetened applesauce and 1½ cups ground cinnamon. Check out the link for all the specifics, and make sure that you take a straw and poke holes where you want them to hang from before you transfer your ornaments to baking racks.
When we make these, we pop the ornaments on a baking rack on top of a baking sheet in a 200°F oven for about 2½ hours, until the ornaments are dry and hard. This is the fastest method, but it also results in a little bit of curling and bubbling.
-by Brittany “Bipp” Rose, Camping Services Director