Y Talk: Leave Your Dog at Home Workout by Linda Henninger

For you brave folks that choose to leave the safety and possibly the insanity of your home, this workout is an adventure to the great out of doors. Leave your dog at home. She will not keep up and wonder what the coronavirus did to the previously normal human master.

I confess I am missing my friends and connecting with them on early morning walks using the appropriate social distancing. No hugs, no deodorant, no harm.

Here’s a workout to do on your own—no dog, no kids, just you and your Fitbit.

  • Warm up those big muscles with 20 pushups, 20 squats and a 1-minute plank.
  • Warm up walk for 5 minutes. Lift knees, big steps, skip, shuffle, jump. Make your neighbors wonder. Hey, they are bored too and not a little concerned about living so close to you. Haha!
  • Jog. This is a joyful little trot, don’t push too hard. One minute only.
  • Run for one minute. Now things are getting serious. That joyful jog is a sweet memory.
  • Sprint for 30 seconds. Think life-saving, gold medal furious, steam engine fast.
  • Well done! Do it again and then again and make the warmup walk 1 minute.
  • Finish with a 5-minute stroll.
  • Return to the safety/insanity of your home as a sweeter, kinder version of the person that left.

Oh yes – finish off with a 1-minute hot as you can stand it shower and then a 30-second cold rinse that makes you holler.

Hope to see you all out there! I want to hear how you like it. And don’t forget to walk your dog. She’s a little stir crazy too with all these humans around.

-by Linda Henninger, Group Exercise Instructor

Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm