Y Talk: Meditation Message by Melissa Brehm
Greetings everyone! On my meditative walk along the LeTort recently, it became clear to offer a message of absolute truth to all who choose to receive it.
Each one is encouraged to envision our collective community growing stronger and letting go of that which has only served as huge distractions in one’s life. There is untapped potential and power awaiting each one’s attention and an internal focus is required to claim it. We all have responsibility for our thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, actions and reactions. Everything is energy and is continuously attracting like-vibrational energy. Universal law applies to all equally, no separation nor discrimination ever! That which humanity perceives as disaster is merely an opportunity of equal magnitude to restore balance and allow the divine perfection already inherent to be embodied internally so it may be reflected externally. The wisdom of the one exists within all and goes unnoticed when the mind and heart are otherwise occupied.
The invitation is to keep things simple and realize there are two completely opposite end energies awaiting to be fed. One currently is consuming the news channels and is known as FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). The ego is bombarded by the illusions constantly projected as our current collective state of affairs which creates even more stress, tension and eventually disease of our physical. An ongoing diet of fear, judgment, blame, victim mentality and emotional overwhelm will manifest on purpose, and DEMAND our immediate attention. The answer is to seek the resolution which absolutely exists because we all participate in an unseen realm of unlimited resources present to serve the highest good of all.
The truth is we all have a higher consciousness, our internal light that is eternal. Every breath is the active presence of the I AM that accompanies every step of one’s journey. There is no separation possible for all emanate from this one creator. Each one has a continuous ability to receive (inhale) and let go (exhale) by focusing on the divine design within. This living intelligence exists as all life and is the Mother Earth of which we collectively inhabit and are responsible for recognizing our continuous connection. The time is NOW to honor our roots, which is the energy of LOVE, the highest vibration of all, through which transformation is possible. It is time to individually free ourselves of the mental and emotional confinements self-inflicted because we choose to believe the external dictates our personal journey. The complete opposite is the truth. Our internal state of affairs drives what appears as our life journey, and each one is responsible for recognizing what is restricting our own flow internally. What each one of us chooses to do impacts the collective, and we only have control over our own contribution. While the divinity exists within each, it is not forced, because as expressions of the one, all have been given free will, and can choose wherever one’s focus goes. To create the change we desire to see externally, then seize this opportunity and self-reflect whether the energy of love or fear is present within. We can expand and evolve (really see that word) as every inhalation or can remain stuck in the muck. Each exhalation is the opportunity to fully surrender to a flow far greater than anything imagined. It requires openness of the mind and awareness of our infinite capacity to receive from the eternal. We are designed to THRIVE, not just survive.
BREATHE…attention, intention, awareness, connection…we are all ONE!
-by Melissa Brehm, Group Exercise Instructor