Y Talk: The Confident Athlete by Tara Young

As I attempt to get in the holiday spirit with all that is going on in the world, I was struggling when I came across a post on Twitter. I am always looking for ways to help my swimmers with the mental aspect of sports, school and life and this caught my eye.
“The Confident Calendar” for the month of December gives you something to think about and be grateful for every day. Changing your way of thinking about your day, week or even your life can change your whole attitude.
Before you go to bed at night, think of three positive things that happened that day and you will go to sleep with a smile instead of worrying.
I was going to post this in the pool hallway so everyone could have the chance to see the activity of the day. But since we will not be walking down that hall this month, posting it here will give everyone a chance to see and think about all the positives in your life and see the glass as half full and not half empty.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
-by Tara Young, Aquatics Director