Y Talk: This Holiday Season, Give Experiences, Not Objects by Cate Mellen

Preliminary reports seem to indicate that Black Friday sales figures for brick and mortar stores are down more than $1 billion from last year’s numbers. Though that might simply be because more people are shopping online than ever before, and because many online retailers started their “Black Friday” deals more than a week ago, the optimist in me wants a different explanation.

Maybe, just maybe, we as a nation are coming around to the idea that our happiness does not come from having the latest fashions, gadgets or toys. Instead, happiness comes from experiences. There was a growing trend this year, pioneered by sporting goods retailer REI and picked up by others across the country, to consciously NOT shop on Black Friday or on Thanksgiving Day. Many retailers signed the pledge not to open their stores on Thanksgiving Day so that their employees could enjoy the holiday with their families. REI urged Americans to #OptOutside on Black Friday by spending time hiking, biking or otherwise experiencing nature. State parks across the country answered the call by waiving entrance fees for the holiday weekend.

I know many of my friends and family shunned shopping for more possessions this holiday weekend in favor of experiences with those they love. More than 3,000 people came out to the Y on Thanksgiving morning for our 14th Annual CenturyLink Turkey Trot. On Friday, I saw several families walking through my neighborhood carrying the Christmas trees they had just purchased together from the Y’s Men and Women’s Club at the Y. One of my friends brought her twin sons to the Y for our Friday evening Nerf Wars program, and the boys can’t stop talking about it. Many of my friends went hiking, some spent time knitting together and my sister and her husband took their daughter to the zoo.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we know that, in a few years’ time, we won’t be able to remember why the hot new gadget or toy that’s flying off the shelves this season seemed so important. But we will remember the time spent with our loved ones, and the experiences we shared together.

At the Y, we’re all about creating experiences to help kids and families grow and develop into their best selves, and creating memories to last a lifetime. Who doesn’t remember the first time they learned to swim, or the weeks they spent at summer camp as a child?

This #GivingTuesday, we at the Y ask that you do two things. First, we ask you take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Create a “wish list” of experiences for yourself—things you’ve always wanted to try, friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with, hobbies you’d love to take up again—and give yourself the time to create new memories. Consider the people on your Christmas list this year—instead of buying them something they might never use; can you give them an experience they’ll remember for years to come?

Second, we ask you to help us to create lifelong memories for kids less fortunate than ourselves by supporting our Tree of Lights campaign. Your gift this #GivingTuesday can help a child learn to swim, play soccer or basketball or attend summer camp. We offer scholarships to our youth sports programs and our summer camps, so all children, regardless of their parents’ circumstances, can experience the wonder of the outdoors, the strength of teamwork and the beauty of finding themselves. Our programs make children healthier not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.

Won’t you please join us in celebrating #GivingTuesday by making a gift to our year-end Tree of Lights campaign? Purchase a light on our holiday tree in memory or in honor of a loved one, and know that you will be supporting less fortunate members of our community. Help make a local child healthier and happier this holiday season!

-by Cate Mellen, Development Director

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5am – 9pm

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10am – 6pm

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Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm