Y Talk: Vacation Days: Use Them Don’t Lose Them by Jay Cattron

Where has summer gone?

It seems this is said every year right after Labor Day. Everyone looks forward to the warm weather, holidays, no school and vacations. Then POOF, just like that the cold and rainy weather returns, vacations are over, we face a long drought before the next holiday off (for us at the Y anyway) and kids are back in school.

We know better to just take things slow and enjoy the now, but as society we are always focused, prepared and getting ready for the next thing. For me, I had several things I was looking forward to this summer, and they have come and gone. I no longer am thinking about what is next because everything is done and there is no next—no more planned vacations, no more weekend trips and no more company. Now it’s just work and normal everyday life.

We all work hard during the year. We all EARN our vacation days. We should all USE those vacation days. Yet, some people choose not to use those days, get too busy to use ALL of those days or feel they can’t get away for vacation because of work obligations. You need to! Your body and soul will thank you.

Taking a well-deserved break is essential not only for recharging but also for maintaining overall well-being. One invigorating way to embrace your vacation time is by exploring new destinations with a sense of freedom and adventure. Imagine cruising along scenic coastal roads, feeling the wind in your hair, and discovering hidden gems that you might otherwise miss. To make the most of such an experience, consider options like Waikiki scooter rentals. This mode of transportation allows you to effortlessly navigate through vibrant streets, soak in breathtaking views, and truly immerse yourself in the local culture.

Using your vacation days to engage in such refreshing activities can have profound benefits for both your body and soul. It’s about more than just taking time off; it’s about rejuvenating your spirit and returning to your daily routine with renewed energy and perspective. So, whether you’re exploring a new city or simply taking a leisurely ride through familiar surroundings, remember that these moments of relaxation and adventure are crucial for a balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace your time off, and let it be a chance to reconnect with yourself and the world around you.

I am fortunate enough to have a couple vacation and personal days left and I intend to use them. I may not have anything planned or have anywhere to go, but I will be relaxing whenever I take them.

With summer said “to be over,” make sure to USE those days. DON’T lose those days. You earned a little ME time!

-by Jay Cattron, Health & Wellness / Membership Director

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