Y Talk: Workout of the Day………Snow Shoveling by Jay Cattron

With the mandatory shutdown of gyms and fitness centers, folks are looking for ways to get in a workout and keep those holiday pounds off the waistline. Good news! A great workout is on the way for today and Thursday—SNOW SHOVELING!

If done properly, snow shoveling is a great form of exercise that not only works the cardiovascular system, but also substitutes as a weightlifting session.

Here are some tips to stay safe and get in a good PUMP!

  • Make sure you have the right tools for the job (correct shovel, layered clothing that breathes, water to stay hydrated).
    o Snow shovel hack – spray some WD-40 or cooking spray on it to prevent snow from sticking to the shovel
  • Warm up your muscles before you go out. This article has some great tips.
  • Try to push the snow rather than pick it up.
  • Bend your knees and keep your back flat as you scoop and lift the snow.
  • Keep the load close to your body with your hands at least 12 inches apart on shovel.
  • Turn your body toward the spot you will dump the snow. Do not throw the snow over your shoulder to eliminate stress on your spine.
  • Take it slow and listen to your body. Take breaks if necessary.
  • Remove snow from all your vents and exhaust systems.
  • If a fire hydrant is in your area, help the fire companies and remove snow from around it (also around any storm drains).

Snow shoveling is a great form of exercise if done correctly, a way to be a good neighbor and help those who are unable to shovel their own driveways or a way to earn some extra cash this holiday season.

Whatever the reason, please do it safely and enjoy the outdoors!

-by Jay Cattron, Health & Wellness Director

P.S. For you EGYMers, shoveling snow is an exercise you can add on your app to collect activity points!

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Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

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10am – 6pm

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