Member Code of Conduct

The Carlisle Family YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To promote safety and comfort for all, all individuals are asked to always act appropriately when in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the Y to act maturely, to behave responsibly and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Our Code of Conduct lists examples of expected behavior in our facility and programs.

  • Bring membership card and photo ID when using the facilities.
  • Secure your personal items using lockers, available for use during the day, providing your own lock.
  • Wear appropriate attire suitable for a family atmosphere.
  • Use equipment & facilities appropriately and put items back when you finish using them. Keeping the facility clean is everyone’s job.
  • Keep all facilities and playing fields free from alcohol, drugs and weapons. This includes any type of devices or objects that could be used or perceived as weapons.
  • Create positive interactions with members, program participants, guests and staff by avoiding any physical or verbal confrontations with others that may be interpreted as angry, threatening or harassing.
  • Use respectful language and actions, avoiding angry or vulgar words and gestures including, but not limited to, swearing, bullying, name calling or shouting.
  • Use appropriate behavior for a family facility by avoiding any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact.
  • Refrain from misuse, abuse or theft of any Carlisle Family YMCA facility and property.
  • Respect others’ belongings and refrain from theft.
  • Media devices: Any photographs or imaging – including cell phones, cameras or videos – are not permitted on Y property without written permission from the CEO.
  • Conduct that does not support the Carlisle Family YMCA’s mission or core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility are not acceptable.
  • Members, program participants and guests are expected to identify themselves when asked.

Members, guests and program participants are encouraged to take responsibility for their personal comfort and safety by asking any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain from such behavior. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a person directly should report the behavior to a staff person or Program Director. Y staff members are eager to be of assistance. Please do not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed.

If any of the above Code of Conduct expectations are in question or have occurred, membership or program privileges to the Carlisle Family YMCA may be suspended or terminated.

Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 6pm

10am – 3pm