Pool Rules
- No diving.
- No running.
- Swimming without a lifeguard is prohibited.
- Hanging on the lanes lines is not permitted.
- Persons with bandages, open cuts or wounds cannot be in the pool.
- Kids are not allowed to use scuba snorkels. Adults may use a front, competitive swimming snorkel. NO FULL FACE MASKS ALLOWED!
- CLIMBING WALL: Hands must be on the rocks. Wait behind the cones. Swimmers with packs are not allowed to use the climbing wall.
- Use of the starting blocks must be with a YMCA swim instructor or swim coach.
- Lap lanes are for lap swim only (NO REC SWIMMING). Lap swimmers under 13 must have a green band.
- Prolonged breath holding is prohibited.
- Swim bands are required for anyone under age 13:
– Red band is for kids 8 and under. Must stay with parent at all times. Parent must be in the pool.
– Yellow band is for kids ages 9-12 who did not pass the swim test. Must stay in the shallow end and cannot go past the lifeguard stand unless the parent is with them in the water.
– Green band is for swimmers who pass the swim test: swim 25 yards with face in breathing and 1 minute of treading without going to the wall. Once they have passed, they may go in the deep end. If the swimmer is 8 and under with a green band, the parent must be in the pool area. - Kickboards are for adult use only unless swimming in the lap lanes or the lifeguard gives permission.
- Aqua joggers are for adults only.
- BASKETBALL HOOP: You must shoot from in the water. No touching or hanging on the rim allowed.
- Proper swimming attire is required. NO COMPRESSION SHORTS, UNDERWEAR, SPORTS BRAS ETC.
- Everyone must obey all requests made by the lifeguards.
The Carlisle Family YMCA reserves the right to modify the rules as necessary. Violation of rules may result in loss of pool and/or facility privileges.