Y TalkHow to Help Someone Struggling in the Water

All month long, we’ve been providing tips to help you and your families stay safer around water. But what do you do if you see someone struggling? Read this to learn more.

Y TalkSwimming is an Essential Skill, Not a Privilege

We believe that all everyone *deserves* water safety classes. That’s why we offer scholarships for our Swim Lessons.

Y TalkThe Number One Water Safety Rule

As you begin to teach your children how to be safe around water, there’s one rule you cannot forget to include. Click to learn more!

Y TalkThe Importance of Water Watchers

Water Watchers are a key component to keeping kids safe in and around water!

Y TalkThe Number One Drowning Myth

Many people think they’ll hear a child or adult drowning, but unfortunately that’s usually not the case.

Y NewsIron Y Challenge Finishers Announced

We are excited to announce the finishers of our 2nd Annual Iron Y Challenge!

Y TalkWater Safety Tips

It’s Water Safety Month and all month long we’ll be providing tips and advice to help keep water fun and safe all summer long.

Y NewsRally for the Y Raises Money for Annual Campaign

Our Rally for the Y team raised over $450 for our Annual Campaign this year. Thank you to everyone who rode and donated!

Y TalkListening and Responding to Children

During Child Abuse Prevention Month, learn how to respond to boundary violations and warning signs if children tell you about abuse.

Y NewsWorkout Tip Wednesday – Community Motivation

Working out at the Y has many benefits. Check them out in this week's Workout Tip Wednesday with Jim Mader!

Y NewsMeet Our Staff Monday – Jeannette Kole

This week's Meet Our Staff Monday focus is Group Exercise Instructor Jeannette Kole!

Y TalkTalking with Your Children About Abuse

During Child Abuse Prevention Month, learn age-appropriate ways to talk with your children.

Y NewsVolunteer Appreciation Week – Joshua Ford

Youth Soccer Coach Joshua Ford is the final person to be featured in our Volunteer Appreciation Month series. Thank you, Joshua, for giving your time to your players!

Y NewsVolunteer Appreciation Week – Heather Weiser

Youth Rec Basketball League coach Heather Weiser is next to be featured during Volunteer Appreciation Week. Thank you, Heather, for giving your time to your players!

Y NewsWorkout Tip Wednesday – Schedule Workouts

Scheduling your workouts can mean the difference between reaching or not reaching your fitness goals.

1 9 10 11 12 13 20
Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm