Y TalkZones of Safety by Justin Rose

Without the ability to experiment, learn or experience certain activities, environments or behaviors our children are losing valuable life lessons and important skills.

Y TalkHealth, Fitness & Technology: Where Did We Come from and Where Are We Headed? by Jay Cattron

Health and Fitness is now interlocked with technology more than ever before, and it is scary where it is headed.

Y TalkKeep Your Kids Safe in and around Water This Summer by Tara Young

The Y is committed to reducing water-related injuries, particularly in communities where children are most at risk.

Y TalkLosing My Marbles by Michelle Bell

When those last marbles are removed and Jeff and I are left with empty jars, I want to know that all of the memories and life lessons in those marbles will remain with our kids forever.

Y TalkAn Interview with Community Business Leader & YMCA Trustee Bob Long by Marcia Drozdowski

For over 40 years, we have enjoyed our family membership at the Carlisle YMCA... Our entire community has benefited from its programs that have helped instill personal intellectual and physical development which make Carlisle a better community.

Y TalkWhy I Love the Pool by Tara Young

It is great to be able to step out of my office every once in a while and get to know other people who enjoy the pool as much as me.

Y TalkMy Journey at the YMCA by Brittany Nissley

The people here at the YMCA, both employees and members, have made me feel like I was meant to live this lifestyle all my life.

Y TalkInsights Into the College Recruiting Process: Where to Begin by Kelly Tyrrell

So many different college experiences are out there and your kids will benefit from exploring all of them. Your visits will help them develop a sense of what they value in a school before they make their final decision.

Y TalkA Different Kind of Resolution by Brittany Rose

Since I'm around not just Calee, but other youth and teens as well, I want to learn other ways I can teach kids be happy, creative, social and responsible.

Y Talk“Helper’s High” by Cate Mellen

Commit to supporting one new charitable organization in 2018—find a cause that most interests you, and find a way to be involved.

Y TalkShare the Health by Jay Cattron

Find a buddy who shares your New Year’s resolution. Don’t do it alone! Keep each other accountable! Stick to a schedule and don’t waiver!

Y TalkAssigned Resolutions by Justin Rose

I find that any type of goal setting can be effective at creating motivation, whether assigned or created. It is interesting that assigned goals create more motivation.

Y Talk‘Tis the Season of Giving by Cate Mellen

Organizations like the Carlisle Family YMCA have online pages to make donating quick and easy. One click, from the comfort of your own home, allows you to support your favorite charitable causes.

Y TalkHelping Hands by Kelly Tyrrell

What has impressed me the most about the Y staff is their willingness to help each other out and to work as a team to provide rewarding experiences to our members.

Y TalkMake Time for Reading by Brittany Nissley

Children that are exposed to books at a young age have better vocabulary, pay attention and concentrate better, have higher literacy and are better prepared for kindergarten.

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Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm