Y TalkFall Family Fun by Brittany Rose

We are so blessed to have a large variety of local fruit stands, fall fests, craft shows, etc. in our neighboring communities.

Y TalkA Lesson from Our Founders by Cate Mellen

The issues that the Y faced in the late 19th century aren’t so very different from those we have faced so far in the 21st century.

Y TalkFunctional Fixedness by Justin Rose

As we work with objects, people or places in specific singular ways to complete tasks we begin to block our minds from realizing the full potential of those objects, people or places.

Y TalkVacation Days: Use Them Don’t Lose Them by Jay Cattron

We all work hard during the year. We all EARN our vacation days. We should all USE those vacation days.

Y TalkPrimed for Success by Justin Rose

Surrounding yourself with positive thoughts, words and actions is exactly what you need when you want the most out of yourself.

Y TalkThe Purge by Michelle Bell

Even if something tastes good for a moment, it’s just not worth feeling horrible for hours afterward.

Y TalkSummer Fun and Fitness by Jay Cattron

You do not need to spend an hour and a half in the gym (most of which is probably done working out your jaw or taking breaks) if you work out smarter and more efficient.

Y TalkFun Summer Activities for Kids by Brittany Nissley

Check out this list of fun summer activities to do all summer!

Y TalkTips for Surviving Tick Season by Brittany Rose

Ticks are now seen more commonly in our backyards, gardens and fields, where before they were mainly in the woods and forest-like settings found in the outdoors.

Y TalkHelp Us Impact Lives in Our Communities by Cate Mellen

We want every kid to have the same opportunities to learn, grow and thrive, and so we work very hard to make sure that our programs and services are available to all, regardless of the ability to pay.

Y TalkCombatting Nature Deficit Disorder by Brittany Rose

As Camping Services Director here at the Y and as a parent, it’s sort of scary to me to think that nature isn’t part of the daily routine for students of all ages, or for younger adults and parents as well.

Y NewsGet Your Kids Outside by Brittany Nissley

There are so many positives that come with being outside and enjoying the sunshine, especially for little ones.

Y TalkHabits + Intentions = Lasting Change by Justin Rose

When we have no opposing habit formed, and we have a strong intention of making a change, we have a very high likelihood of turning that action into a habit.

Y TalkThe Strange Glowing Ball in the Sky by Michelle Bell

Continually thinking about how much you don't like winter only makes it more likely you’ll feel sad as the season progresses

Y TalkTransitioning Back to Work after Having a Baby by Brittany Nissley

Common feelings for mothers returning to work after maternity leave may include guilt, relief, stress and exhaustion.

Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm