Y TalkFor a Better Us by Cate Mellen

Working with our generous donors, the Y provides everyone the opportunity to be healthy and thrive, to connect with others and contribute to a better community.

Y TalkSummer Camp Staff Are Awesome by Brittany Rose

Every year I am blessed to have numerous staff give 110 percent every day for three months. It’s a privilege to work with each of them, and there’s something special when I see them gain life changing experiences from those campers and camp.

Y TalkThe Opposite of a Fish Out of Water by Michelle Bell

If you have never tried swimming, I encourage you to give it a shot. If you need a refresher on technique, sign up for group or private swim lessons here at the Y.

Y TalkRun Your Race with a Commitment to Excellence by Justin Rose

As we enter this New Year a challenge to each of is to commit ourselves to excellence as we run our own race. With these qualities in mind we can do more and be better than ever as we take on the challenge of life.

Y TalkResolution Success by Michelle Bell

My idea of quality time spent with my loved ones changed. I craved meaningful time spent with family and friends.

Y TalkThis Holiday Season, Give Experiences, Not Objects by Cate Mellen

Maybe, just maybe, we as a nation are coming around to the idea that our happiness does not come from having the latest fashions, gadgets or toys. Instead, happiness comes from experiences.

Y TalkLIVE UNITED by Cate Mellen

Every fall, our staff is eager to participate in our United Way workplace campaign. We see every day the impact that the United Way has on our community

Y TalkLetters Home from Camp by Brittany Rose

During our last week of Camp Thompson Resident Camp I asked some of our campers to write letters home and tell their parents about the experiences they have at camp.

Y TalkFinding the Fun in Hard Work by Justin Rose

Not only are they finding the fun in the work, they are doing the work that matters most. Hard work turns into fun work when what you are doing makes a difference.

Y TalkIt’s Time to Focus on Keeping Children Safe Around Water by Tara Young

Research shows that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning among children. But in addition to learning lifesaving water safety skills, children can increase their physical activity by swimming.

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Y TalkHop the Gap! by Cate Mellen

Solutions to childhood obesity, lack of physical activity and food insecurity require difficult lifestyle changes. Teaching healthy habits is at the heart of how the Y supports the development of over nine million youth annually.

Y TalkNo Need to Separate Work and Play by Justin Rose

I have found that those that are the most successful in life are not the ones that can separate work and life, but those that can combine their life and their work into their life’s work.

Y TalkResolution Checkup by Michelle Bell

But what I have learned almost three months into this resolution is that silencing my phone and taking time away with the people I love most has recharged me in a way I didn’t realize was possible. And now I see how essential that is for my personal well-being.

Y TalkIt’s Time to Think about Summer Camp by Brittany Rose

Summer camps aren’t one size fits all. When choosing a summer camp for your child, it’s important that you choose the right camp to fit your camper’s needs, interests, goals and energy level.

Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm