Y TalkBeat Those Winter Blues by Brittany Rose

Don’t allow these extended weekends due to snow days, and long cold nights get the best of you and your family. Stay optimistic and charged with these ideas for your family to stay active and engaged these last couple of cold weeks.

Y TalkWhy I Give by Cate Mellen

I give to the Carlisle Family YMCA because I’m investing in my community, and providing a brighter future for our children.

Y TalkNew Year’s Resolutions by Michelle Bell

As I reflect over the past year and look forward into 2015, I begin to toss around some ideas for a New Year’s resolution or two for the coming year.

Y TalkBuilding Skills for the 21st Century by Justin Rose

I’m always surprised when I see the impact camp can have on youth in plain black and white. I always wonder if others can see what we see as counselors or staff when kids come to camp and leave transformed.

Y TalkExtra Thankful This Year by Brittany Rose

This is my favorite time of year, where special days are completely devoted to family and loved ones we don’t get to see often. We get to share some laughs, good food and remind them our loved ones how much we care about them.

Y TalkA Special Counselor-Camper Bond by Brittany Rose

It’s that “proud parent” moment that keeps campers and counselors bonded in that special unique summer camp way. Thank you, parents, for sharing some of your child’s special experiences with our counselors.

Y TalkA Real Job by Justin Rose

In my time with these young people, I also have had the opportunity to employ some of them as counselors for our camping program at the Y. I am always amazed at how much someone can grow in a single summer.

Y TalkInterval Training…Don’t Be Scared to Try It! by Jay Cattron

If you can burn the same amount – or more – calories in 30 minutes of interval training as you do with 1 hour of regular, steady state cardio or weight training with rest in between each set, why would you not try interval training?

Y TalkAdvancing Our Cause by Cate Mellen

When you join the Carlisle Family YMCA, you’re not just joining a gym. You’re helping us to strengthen our community from the inside out in so many different ways, each and every day.

Y TalkFocused on Community by Michelle Bell

When most people think of the Y they think of a place to work out or swim or somewhere to send their kids for summer camps. And the Y is that. But what I have learned since I started working here is that the Y isn’t just a place – it is a community of people working out together, swimming together, going to camp together and so much more.

Y TalkIt’s Not Just Camp by Kacey Sherman

Camp has taught me not only physical skills, but also leadership qualities, teamwork qualities and skills that not just anyone has.

Y NewsY Gift Cards: Give the Gift of Better Health!

We now have Y gift cards available for purchase!

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Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm