Y TalkThe 7-Minute Magical Workout by Cecelia Clippinger

Research says as little as 7 minutes makes a difference in your fitness level. Do these exercises for 30 seconds with a 10 second in between.

Y TalkFamily Word Workouts by Tara Young

Using Family Word Workouts is a great way to get everyone moving. Pick the same word or everyone can choose a word and then get your heart rate up when doing the exercises.

Y TalkFun At-Home Activities for Families by Brittany Kemp

At some point today in between the working from home, the dishes, the laundry and the coffee that never seems strong enough… stop to snuggle your little one. After the snuggling is done, try one of these fun activities!

Y TalkYouth Soccer: Development from Your Own Home by Kelly Tyrrell

If you own a soccer ball and have kids who are willing to dedicate some of their free time to skill development and fitness, there is still a lot that can be accomplished during this time away from teammates, organized practices and games.

Y TalkHomebound Smoothie by Linda Henninger

Use your frozen fruits and veggies to create an awesome healthy immune boosting smoothie and let food be your medicine!

Y TalkHello Sunshine by Bipp and Calee Rose

The birds are chirping, and the sun is shining, let's try to incorporate 30 minutes of outside play today.

Y TalkPerspective by Justin Rose

Every day, every hour, there is a new mandate, order or decree – all of which further and further restrict our ability to continue with our lives as usual, or even any semblance of usual. However, I find that when we are the most stressed, we find the things that are most important to us.

Y News15-Minute Workout by Linda Henninger

Good day wellness warriors! Here’s a High Intensity Work Out that will wage war on your corona weariness!

Y TalkMake Cooking a Family Affair by Michelle Bell

Since you’re eating most of your meals at home and don’t have to rush to eat before heading to school, practices and other activities, this is the perfect time to involve your kids in the meal planning and preparation process.

Y TalkSt. Patty’s Day Scavenger Hunt by Brittany Rose

In lieu of St. Patrick’s Day activities your kids might have been doing at school, here is something fun to do with them at home.

Y NewsCarlisle Family YMCA Capital Campaign

The Carlisle Family YMCA is nearing the conclusion of a three-year Capital Campaign to renovate our South West Street Facility. Thanks to the generous contributions of many area individuals, businesses and organizations, we are pleased to report that we have raised over $9 million!

Y TalkInsights into the College Recruiting Process: Visiting the Campus by Kelly Tyrrell

Set up a campus visit to explore the school and meet with the coaches and the players on the team.

Y TalkBeat the Heat by Brittany Rose

Here some tips and tools for parents and care-givers during these hot summer days to ensure our families are prepared to beat the heat.

Y TalkYouth Programs at the Y by Brittany Nissley

We also offer many youth programs, including a year-round, full-time Child Care Center, a School Aged Before- and After-School Care Program and a Child Watch classroom!

Y TalkWe’re So Close to Building a Great New Y! by Cate Mellen

We are grateful to all of our generous supporters who have gotten us this far, but we still have a way to go before we reach the finish line.

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Facility Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 9pm

7am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

Pool Hours

Mon – Fri
5am – 8pm

7am – 5pm

10am – 3pm